Friday, September 25, 2009

We Miss You Guys!!!!

So, due to the fact that this has not been updated since January, I decided to post something.

Recap of September Reunion:
Please feel free to add to the list!

Texas Pete Hot Sauce Girl @ Airport Bar
Ferris Bueller's day off = John and Juan cuddling
Mean obnoxious cow at Buckeye tailgate (picture to be loaded at a later date)
OHIO Watermelon impulse buy
Cameo tailgate appearance by Brent
Beersbee (did i spell that right?)
Porta-Potty overflows
Virgin Upside Down Margaritas performed by parents (pictures to be loaded at a later date)
Blatantly illegal open container flip-cup
Iron Chef of Tailgating - Ryan's Dad
2 Hour car ride home from game